In support of its mission, THE ARTISTS FORUM is seeking to partner with prominent industry professionals interested in nurturing artists. Specifically, we are looking for:
QUALIFIED JURORS – Creative professionals willing to evaluate and rate submissions relative to their field of expertise for our Juried Art Competitions in film, music, photography, spoken word, and/or choreography.
MENTORS – Well-established arts professionals interested in mentoring our competition winners. Mentoring sessions can be facilitated in person, via phone, or on Zoom. (The number and length of mentor sessions can be decided upon a case-by-case basis.)
SPECIAL GUESTS – Seasoned professionals willing to help de-mystify the business side of the art world via our televised cable program, online podcasts, live events, or online media programs.
For questions about professionally supporting THE ARTISTS FORUM, please contact our President & Founder, Amos White V.