Written by Shamanatrix Missy Galore for THE ARTISTS FORUM MAGAZINE
Edited by Amos White V for THE ARTISTS FORUM, INC
Photo: Courtesy of International Alchemy Conference
5 out of 5 stars
LOS ANGELES, CA. (January 8, 2010) Last October’s 2009 International Alchemy Conference in Los Angeles was truly a healing experience! In the same way that informational medicine is the future of healing (sending new information to areas in the body that are poorly performing so as to re-inform our cells of their true capacity), so too is the Cultural Alchemy of Lovevolution – healing society by redefining our relationship to ourselves and the world we live in. Alchemy provides insight and information to realign our heart and mind with the divine, showing the interconnection of all life, spirit, mind, and matter.
The 2009 conference, produced by the Modern Mystery School and the International Alchemy Guild, was the largest gathering of alchemists in more than 500 years . “With movies like The Secret and What the Bleep? providing captivating glimpses behind the mysteries of life, the Third Annual Alchemy Conference (LA Convention Center – October 23 – 25, 2009), continued the quest for knowledge by assembling a field of internationally renowned experts for lectures, workshops, demonstrations, networking and discussions behind the positive changes afoot all around us” says Dennis Hauck, Co-President of the International Alchemy Guild and conference founder. “The Turba Philosophorum (Assembly of the Alchemical Philosophers) is an influential twelfth-century Latin manuscript that brought together the best thinkers and the key concepts of the alchemical tradition in a single volume. The International Alchemy Conference carries on that tradition.”
“As above so below” is the most famous alchemist saying I know. Ahead of the curve, alchemists intrinsically understood the fractal nature of the universe centuries before the concept of fractals was ever articulated. Turning lead into gold is their most famous experiment, the superficial read is materialistic, but that misses the main point of alchemy’s mission: in understanding the way the material world works, we gain understanding of ourselves. In transmuting lead to gold, the alchemist synchronously purifies her/his soul!
“Alchemists always speak of their art as a divine gift, the highest secrets of which are not to be learnt from any books on the subject; and they invariably teach that the right mental attitude with regard to God is the first step necessary for the achievement of the magnum opus.” writes H. Stanley Redgrove in his book Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
As we approach peak oil, the end of the Mayan calendar and our direct alignment with the black hole in our galactic center in December 2012, transformation is on the mind of the mainstream. The question is what form will this paradigm shift take? As a science whose focus is transformation and purification, alchemy is an instrumental methodology for navigating this shift.
We all know the story of Isaac Newton under the apple tree, gathering his scientific insights thru meditative stillness in connection to G*d, but did you know that he wrote more on alchemy than any other subject? Though closeted during his lifetime due to the persecution of alchemy’s followers, we now know Isaac Newton as perhaps the most famous alchemists that ever lived.
“I’m confident the age-old wisdom to be shared during the year’s conference will help a great many people better cope with the mounting pressures of life in these turbulent times,” says Hauck. “We expect this year’s conference to be our most exciting, diverse and well-attended event to date, and look forward to welcoming so many distinguished and learned international experts together under one roof.”

In fact, the 2009 International Alchemy Convention was one of the most amazing experiences I have had in my blessful life. The breath and depth of the presentations fueled my fire of personal transformation awakening my senses to the amorous enmeshment of life. The attendees were as captivating as the speakers; I did not want the conference to ever end!
The Cultural Alchemy of Lovevolution is being created with the positive intentions of seekers, sages, alchemists, artists, economists, healers, physicists, businesses and more; all working to co-create Lovevolution from their unique perspective.
“That’s what we need” says Theresa Ibis – conference organizer and teacher at the Modern Mystery School. “We need everybody playing their part, because it’s not gonna happen from expecting our governments to be the ones to do it for us. WE have to do it! If we want to create that Shambhala and that golden age, it is about every single person who has a purpose on this planet — and every single one of you do — to awaken to that! To remember what that is and to “be that change you seek”, [and] give your gift to the world!”
“I believe that we are living in a special moment in human history,” says keynote speaker Chilean economist, Dr Alfredo Sfeir-Younis. “The challenge is to shift and question is: Where shall we shift? We need to get out today from a number of fallacies like: economic growth now, environment later — lets have more wealth and do social justice later. This alchemy [or paradigm] is defunct and this conference should come and let the world know that we are creating a new alchemy of collective destiny: from an individualistic, materialistic stance, to look at humanity in a collective way. We need to move from the material to the spiritual.” It is this alchemical spell I call the Cultural Alchemy of Lovevolution, where science, spirituality, and philosophy all agree: It’s time we transmute ourselves, transform society and live in peace and love.
“This whole conference came together by bringing many different organizations and many different people, from different backgrounds and different cultures and different countries all together in one place to create this synthesis. It all got stirred in our alchemical pot here this weekend. The seeds of change have been planted. The seeds of peace were planted.” Theresa Ibis stated. “We just ask for you to all take this out into the world and spread the word of how much alchemy can help to transform things, and that we are ready for that transformation, so that we can make that shift. If the shift happens in 2012 or if the shift happens now: We are ready!”
The combination of information seeded infinite inspiration. It was amazing to experience the interdisciplinary confluence of Wisdom calling us to action in a Cultural Alchemy of Lovevolution where one moves beyond isolating individualism to understand themselves anew as a unique part of a giant whole including all scales and dimensions of life in the universe: Many luminaries believe we are evolving into homo luminous, a more spiritually grounded balanced version of homo sapiens. In alchemy, science, spirituality, and philosophy all agree — its time we work on ourselves to heal society and live in peace, joy and love.
Throughout the weekend the resounding call to action, empowering all people to live their truth and engage their personal power to create the best NOW one can imagine, nurtured all present. It is time this mission went worldwide! May the Culture Alchemy of Lovevoltion catalyze our daily lives as the Hopi prophesize: “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” The Cultural Alchemy of Lovevolution needs You!
Keynote speakers included:
Don Miguel Ruiz: Best-selling author of The Four Agreements (featured on “Oprah”) appearing with his son Don Jose Ruiz.
Dr. Masaru Emoto: Author of The Hidden Messages of Water, offering breakthrough research on consciousness-driven molecular transformation of water crystals (featured in What the Bleep Do We Know?).
Rickie Byars-Beckwith: Musical director of the Agape International Choir.
Nassim Haramein: Pioneering physicist sharing his Unification theory discoveries.
Dr. Alfredo Sfeir-Yunis: Chilean Economist, formerly of the World Bank, expert on the spiritual dimension of sustainable development.
Mantak Chia: Expert on sexual healing and the Universal Tao.
DreamingBear (Baraka Kanaan) is an internationally renowned spoken word artist, author, and peace advocate and guest MC for the 2009 International Alchemy Conference.
The Golden Pyramid of Peace: New sound, visual and spiritual experience, this traveling venue makes its first North American stop on its world tour of global spiritual leaders.
For more information about the Loveloution movement, see Missy’s feature: Languaging Loveloution with Quantum Poet DreamingBear Baraka Kanaan
My Shamanatrix Mix of Alchemy Clips can be found here: Cultural Alchemy of Loveloution by Shamantrix Missy Galore for The Artists Forum: http://current.com/items/91872343
For more information about the Third Annual International Alchemy Conference, visit: alchemyconference.com
For more information about the International Alchemy Guild: alchemyguild.org
For more information about the Modern Mystery School, visit: modernmysteryschool.com
About Shamanatrix Missy Galore:
The Artists Forum’s favorite video vixen – New York native Missy Galore – is a Shamanatrix of Love. Her ritual incantations of beautification and inspiration serve Love’s mission in metta media – text, music, video + art. Creator of the WildFlower Mantras music meditation series, Missy’s performances, art, videos, and installations have been featured at the United Nations, Guggenheim Museum, Warhol Museum, and the Berlin Bienniel. Founder of Video Galore + Lovelution Solutions, Missy has been featured in the 2009 Sundance Award Winning documentary We Live in Public, and listed in The Artists Forum Magazine’s TOP TEN for January 2010. She currently resides in San Francisco: missygalore.com, facebook.com/shamanatrix.missy.galore