THE ARTISTS FORUM PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION: 2022 (#theartistsforumphotography) concluded its fourth session, showcasing 4 finalists, highlighting our 2022 Competition Theme: REFLECTIONS ON THE NATIONAL PSYCHE.
Our 2022 Official Selections were created by photographers originating from 4 countries: China, Iran, Ukraine, and the United States.
On November 10, 2022, winners were announced at our first live Juried Arts Awards held at the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) 11th Floor Auditorium in New York City. See their links and work samples below.
Thank you to our 2022 Photography Jury Panel: Ricky Bradford, Meesh Bryant, Leah den Bok, Todd Ford, Amos White V
THE ARTISTS FORUM PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION, part of our Juried Arts Festival programming, is open to photographers of all levels seeking to gain exposure in the New York City and international arts and media market.
Its mission is to provide an accessible platform for photographers to present their best work for juried selection, increase artist communication and business contacts, provide career advancement opportunities, and publicly award talented artists.
Each submission, reviewed by a panel of industry professionals, was rated upon its individual merits. Finalists in each category will be judged against one another and a winner declared. Our list of competition winners is forthcoming.
All selected finalists are eligible for a television studio or Zoom interview to be promoted on our online platforms and via THE ARTISTS FORUM: AFTV – a 20+ year arts based television program broadcasted from mid-town Manhattan in New York City.
THE ARTISTS FORUM INC., now in its 24th year, is a New York City based non-profit arts service organization specializing in events, juried competitions, and media for artists. The organization provides an unparalleled platform for emerging and mid-career artists to share their stories with the world’s creative communities.
Hashtag: #theartistsforumphotography
FIRST PLACE: “Refugees” by Olga Trehub (Ukraine)
SECOND PLACE: “Ghost Girl” by Andrea Gluckman (US)
THIRD PLACE: “Duality” by Katayoun Afrooz (Iran)
GRAND PRIZE WINNER: “Refugees” by Olga Trehub (Ukraine)
Photographer: Katayoun Afrooz (Iran)
The photographer states: “Duality is a self-discovery journey portrait loosely based on Rumi’s poem; I have put duality away. I have seen the two worlds are one.”
Photographer: Andrea Anderson Gluckman (US)
Photo of her teenage daughter on a walk in the woods who talks about growing up in the age of the internet, pandemic, feeling faceless during social upheaval – preferring that versus being exposed.
Photographer: Huiyi Guo (China)
A study on identity politics where boundaries between true and false become fuzzy. Why are facts of the same news completely different on Chinese Internet or Twitter? Who holds the power to do this?
Photographer: Olga Trehub (Ukraine)
Trehub, a Ukrainian war refugee, attempts to capture her feelings and pain through the lens.
Ricky Bradford
Palm Desert-based photographer Ricky Bradford’s work ranges from covering people, places, and things through portraiture, public relations and corporate photography. Additional specialties include corporate event display and brand marketing strategy.
Meesh Bryant
Meesh Bryant is the Director & Founder of the Bolt Agency. Established 2013, the agency represents editorial and commercial photographers in both the UK and the US.
Leah den Bok
Leah den Bok is a Canadian-born fashion, beauty, and portrait photographer. She has traveled to cities around the world photographing people experiencing homelessness and has authored a book series entitled Nowhere to Call Home.
Todd Ford
Todd Ford is a Berlin-based American artist with a focus on live performance, cultural events, and corporate photography for real estate development.
Amos White V
Amos is an inter-disciplinary multimedia artist, event producer, and exhibit designer. A graduate of the College of Human Ecology at the University of Maryland, College Park, Amos bridges his passion for the arts and human relations with the formation of THE ARTISTS FORUM.