THE ARTISTS FORUM is proud to announce the finalists and winner for this year’s PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION, featuring 2 works that best highlight our 2023 Competition Theme – THE BODY POLITICAL.
These works have been created by independent artists originating from 2 countries: Italy and the United States.
The Finalists are (in no particular order):
“Poltiglia (Paper-Men)” by Luca Giuliani (Italy)
“Embodied” by Andrea Anderson Gluckman (US)
See winner’s listing below.
Congratulations to our Winner and Finalist!
Thank you to our 2023 Photography Competition Jury: Todd Ford and Amos White V
Finalists works were showcased and winners announced the same day during our Juried Arts Awards Ceremony on October 15, 2023 at the Dolby Screening Room NYC — 1350 Avenue of the Americas at West 55th Street (Lobby Level) in Mid-town Manhattan.
THE ARTISTS FORUM PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION, part of our Juried Arts Festival programming, is open to photographers of all levels seeking to gain exposure in the New York City and international arts and media market.
Its mission is to provide an accessible platform for photographers to present their best work for juried selection, increase artist communication and business contacts, provide career advancement opportunities, and publicly award talented artists.
THE ARTISTS FORUM INC., now in its 25th year, is a New York City based non-profit arts service organization specializing in events, juried competitions, and media for artists. The organization provides an unparalleled platform for emerging and mid-career artists to share their stories with the world’s creative communities.
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FIRST PLACE: Embodied (Andrea Anderson Gluckman, US)
Photographer: Andrea Anderson Gluckman (US)
Nothing is more politicized than the human body, particularly the social need to categorize, to identify, to label. External and internal ideas of identity are not always the same, and the dissonance created is borne by the individual.
Photographer: Luca Giuliani (Italy)
The photographer states: “Life is a blender that slices your soul, make it mush. Love is the enzyme that makes it more digestible. And, like ink on paper-men, it remains. A story already written, only to be lived.”
Todd Ford
Todd Ford is a Berlin-based American artist with a focus on live performance, cultural events, and corporate photography for real estate development.
Amos White V
Amos is an inter-disciplinary multimedia artist, event producer, and exhibit designer. A graduate of the College of Human Ecology at the University of Maryland, College Park, Amos bridges his passion for the arts and human relations with the formation of THE ARTISTS FORUM.